Friday, May 8, 2015

Side Business That Generates Much Money

An employee and an office employee would want to have a side business to supplement their income. In my opinion, a sideline that matches an employee should meet these criteria; do not interfere with the working hours of the main job and do not need to go far to get the order.

One profession that meet the criteria mentioned above is to be a web developer (manufacturer's website). Web developer is meant here is someone who has the expertise to create a website professional, not just make a web page Abal Abal. Being a web developer is an interesting tool as a sideline for employees.

Therefore sideline as a professional Web Developer is an interesting solution. The next question is "how much capital is needed to create a website?". If you are a professional web developer then the capital to make a website is only Rp 30 thousand. Who would you spend to pay Domain (name of a website) and Hosting (file storage service website).

The website that you sell at the cheapest price of Rp 50 thousand is usually completed within one day. Because the client is not allowed to ask all kinds. In accordance with a cheap price. Imagine the benefits if you get the order of $ 1 million, if you spend any cost remains the same. Of course the quality of the website worth USD 1 million in contrast to that cost only $ 50 thousand.

Website worth Rp 50 thousand usually made with a template (WordPress, Joomla, etc), which is limited in terms of design and function. Just like when you buy clothes in a classy designer. Or buy clothes in bulk. Clothes that you buy at a designer usually only you have the dress model. Whereas if you buy clothes wholesale many people have the same clothes as you.

Next you'll want to know. Where can you professional web courses? Before you choose a good web course place, note some things you should know, namely:

1. How long is the course that has been established

If the place sudahcukup long standing, then chances are you disappointed certainly very small as a web course is serious business. What more if it has been established lebihdari 10 years (according to research, 90% of companies go bankrupt within 10 tahunberdiri).

2. Many successful graduates

When we decided on the course, regardless of the purpose, we definitely want to successfully master the material that we wanted. If graduates of the course are still little. Or even no outstanding then you should be careful. In the virtual world a lot of people take advantage of the opportunity in narrowness.

3. Select the teachers who are practitioners

Experienced teachers make phenomenal project will be easier to share knowledge on you because he has felt the acid salt into a web developer. Make sure you learn in the course of the web that teaching staff are practitioners and have quality work.

4. Awards and recognition of the other party

Trophies / awards what was once in reach? And whether a web course is involved in important events in the field of web developers? If a course has been recognized and appreciated by many people, you do not need to cape-cape pulled-check where the course. Because it had been done by parties far more competent. Another case if the course was not credible and was new. So be careful with your choice.

5. Time of flexible learning

One of our failure when the course is sometimes we are busy doing other things, for example there is a sudden meeting, attending a friend's wedding events, business trips abroad, and so forth. The activity was accidental clash with course schedules and make us miss learning. Usually once bolos, finally transmissivity so that makes us not focus on learning. The search for a course with a schedule that may be set according to your busy life.

6. The course can be started without waiting for the full class

Momentum is very important. If you have decided the course but it turned out that the course is only open class on condition that the amount of a specific person, the result is you have to wait. Because waiting until the other participants, most likely your desire to be extinguished web courses.

According to I, one of the professional web courses and meet the above criteria is If you are interested in becoming a professional web developer, visit his website and learn carefully. Do not immediately trust the information I give. I also wrote an article about Baba Studio, please read his review HERE.

Has a side business that provides additional income is the dream of every employee and office workers. Well, to begin with of course you have to have the capital, be it capital or capital substantive expertise. If you are interested in being a web developer, you should start setting aside revenue to learn so that later you will have the skills to create a professional website that you can sell.

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