Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Target Markets Akatsuki

In setting the target market, the company must first do market segmentation, with a way to classify consumers into groups with characteristics similar. Each consumer groups can be selected as a target market will be achieved. Determination of the target market is very important because the company can not serve all customers or buyers on the market.

As is the target market is a group of Drivers who have characteristics or properties almost identical (homogeneous) selected the company and that will be achieved with the marketing mix strategy. Target markets need to be established, because it is useful in:

1. Develop product positioning and marketing mix strategy.
2. Facilitate adjustment marketed product and marketing mix strategy is executed (right price, effective distribution channels, promotion of the right) with the target market.
3. Shoot a wider market opportunities, it is important when marketing a new product.
4. Utilizing the limited resources of the company as efficiently and effectively as possible.
5. Anticipating competition.

Determining the Target Market
1. Single Segment Concentration
It means companies can choose only one segment, the company focuses on one segment only. For example: Harley Davidson concentrating only on large motorcycle market.

2. Multi-segment Marketing
Company meant choosing two or more market segments and develop pemasaranyang mix for each segment separately. This strategy provides benefits include: volume of sales, profit and market share larger and economies of scale in marketing. Example: Bicycles United not only focus on the bicycle market for adults but also for a small child's bicycle.

There are three general strategies in selecting target markets, namely:

1. Mass-Market Strategy
Business market uses two ways to enter the same market. The first is do not notice any difference existing segments as well as a single product design, and establish a marketing program that will serve all market groups, or so-called undifferentiated marketing. This mass marketing strategy requires resources and capabilities to produce great and marketing capabilities for mass products. The second approach in a mass marketing strategy, namely dividing the product and marketing programs for different segments, or also called differentiated marketing.

2. Niche-Market Strategy
This strategy is done by targeting marketing efforts on one or more segments. The goal of this strategy is to avoid direct competitors that are in a larger segment. For example the establishment of small-scale supermarket in a residential area residents / complex.

3. Concentrated Marketing / Market Growth Strategy
This market growth strategy implemented by small companies to avoid direct confrontation with the big companies. Implementation of this strategy requires research and development department reliable and marketing capabilities to identify and develop and introduce new product features to the target (target) target market.

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