Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sasuke Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is to divide the activities of heterogeneous market of a product into units that are homogeneous market. In other words, market segmentation is the activity of dividing the market into groups of buyers are distinguishable to the needs, characteristics or different behavior that may require separate products or marketing mix.

Market segmentation grouped into three, namely:
1. Static Segmentation Attributes
Grouping market based on attributes similar static, which does not necessarily reflect the purchasing behavior or use and do not directly affect the consumer's decision to purchase. These attributes include the type of geographic and demographic variables.
2. Dynamic Segmentation Attributes
Grouping dynamic market based on similar attributes, or attributes that reflect the characteristics of the consumers. These attributes include psychographics and behavioral variables.
3. Individual Individual Segmentation
Grouping the market over the smallest unit or individual.

Role Segmentation

Based on the above it can be concluded that the segmentation has an important role in a company for several reasons;
1. Segmentation allows companies to focus on allocating resources. By dividing the market into segments will provide an overview for the company to establish which segments will be served. Besides segmentation enables companies to get a clearer picture of the map of the competition and determine the company's market position.
2. Segmentation is the basis for determining the components of the strategy. Segmentation is accompanied by a selection of target market will provide guidance in determining positioning. Third, segmentation is a key factor to beat the competition, with regard to the market from a unique angle and a different way from what the competitor.

Levels of Market Segmentation

1. Mass marketing
In mass marketing to mass marketing programs conducted as bulk distribution, bulk and other promotion or in other words one product for all. However, mass marketing is not always successful in serving its market as a marketing program can not serve heterogeneous market so pelu do segmentation, marketing niche and individual market.

Segmentation of the market consists of an attempt to identify a group that has the distinction of being a group have in common. Segmentation is a middle way between mass marketing to individuals. In the market segmentation within a single segment is assumed to actually have something in common, but no two people who truly have equality in a case. However, market segmentation has several advantages compared to mass market, among others, the company can create products and services that fit the target market. The company will also be easier to establish distributions canel and in setting marketing communications.

2. Niche marketing
In niche marketing is more focused on market niches that have not been well served. This is done by identifying existing segments into smaller sub-segments. With the niche market companies to understand customers well. An interesting feature of consumers in the niche market is a niche market has a strong demand, the consumer is willing to pay a premium price to companies that can satisfy them well. Nice market has growth potential and profitable so that the company can serve this segment.

3. The individual markets
Is the last in the segment, each individual has a unique individual. Individual market, also known as custumized marketing or one-to-one marketing where consumers are served individually. The company can serve markets individual customized so as to meet the needs of consumers as they had hoped.

Market Segmentation pattern
There are three patterns of market segmentation. This pattern is used to mengidentifikasai segment preference. The pattern is:
1. Homogeneus preference
A pattern showing that consumers have the same preferences to the products or services offered.
2. Diffused preference
A pattern showing that consumers have varying preferences for a product or service offered.
3. Clustered preference
A pattern showing that consumers have a preference in groups. Where consumers who are in a group have similar preferences.

Procedures and Process Market Segmentation

Segmentation procedure, there are three phases:
1. Survey Stage
An exploration stage either through focus group discussions or interviews with several consumer groups to obtain information concerning the motivations, attitudes and behavior of students of Master of Management Program. With the initial picture of consumer preferences researchers can dig further by using a questionnaire.
2. Analysis Stage
A phase of analysis of the information that has been obtained through the survey. Analysis can be done by applying factor analysis to examine which variables are correlated higher then apply the cluster analysis to create or know groups that are significantly market has different characteristics.
3. Profiling Stage
A stage for identifying frofil each cluster is formed. These differences will be identified with each cluster based on attitudes and behavior, demographic, psychographic, benefit or value expected from a program MM, then each cluster are named based on the characteristics that stand out.

Things to Look For In Doing Segmentation
Employers who do market segmentation will try to classify customers into several segments that have relatively homogeneous properties and then treat each segment with a different way or services. Such factors include the following:

• Variables Segmentation

As we know that consumers have a variety of dimensions that can be used as a basis for market segmentation. Proper use of basic segmentation and efficient will be better able to ensure the success of a strategic marketing plan. One dimension is seen to have a major role in determining the market segmentation variables is contained in the segmentation itself, and therefore needs to be studied. In classifying the types of segmentation variables, as follows:

1. Segmentation Geography
In the geography segmentation grouping is done by region of origin or residence of the consumer as well as to know the social life in the consumer area. Example: Bandung known as the Paris Van Java, suitable as shopping, make a company engaged in the field of fashion glance at Bandung as the target market. So with this segmentation, marketers gain certainty where or where the product is to be marketed.

2. Segmentation Demographics
Demographic segmentation grouping is done based on age, sex, family and life cycle, race, education and employment or income consumers. Example: Shopie Martin makes women with high income as the target market.

3. Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic segmentation groupings based on the characteristics of each customer, such as motivation, personality, perception, interest, interests and attitudes. At this segmentation buyers are divided into groups based on, as follows:
• Social status, for example: leaders, communities, educators, the elite, the middle class and lower class.
• Lifestyle, example: modern, traditional, old-fashioned, wasteful, frugal and luxurious.
• Personality, for example: fans, addicts and observers divulging products
Example: Honda issued a scooter matic motorcycle Honda Beat for women among the more girly, moreover there is a pink color that many preferred by women, especially teenagers who girly fashionable.

4. Segmentation Behavior
In the grouping buyer behavior segmentation based on knowledge, attitudes, usage or their reaction to a product. Many marketers believe that behavior variables are the most excellent beginning to form a market segment. Segmentation behavior can be measured using the following indicators:

• Benefits sought
One powerful form of segmentation is to group buyers according to different benefits they are looking for from the product. Benefit segmentation requires the discovery of the major benefits that people look for in a product class, the kind of people who are looking for every advantage and major brands that have any benefits. Companies can use segmentation to clarify the benefits they want the benefits segment, its characteristics as well as major brands that compete. They can also search for new benefits and launching brands that provide these benefits.

• User Status
The market can be segmented into groups of non-users, ex-users, potential users, first-time users and regular users of a product. Potential users and regular users may require different marketing appeal.

• Level of Use
The market can also be segmented into user groups light, medium and heavy. The number of heavy users often only a small percentage of the entire market, but it produces a high percentage of total purchases. Users of products is divided into two equal parts a lot, mostly light users and heavy users partly by the level of purchases of specific products.

• Loyalty Status
A market can also be segmented by consumer loyalty. Consumers can be loyal to the brand, the store and company. Buyers can be divided into several groups according to the degree of their loyalty. Some consumers are really loyal, they always buy the kind of brand. Another group rather loyal, they are loyal to the two brands or more than one product or a loved one brand but sometimes buy other brands. Other buyers do not show loyalty to any brand. They might want something new every time they purchase or sale of any.

Terms Effective Segmentation
1. Measurable
Measurable means that market segment can help natural perusahaand measure market potential, consumer purchasing power and resource allocation size daya.Contoh: Food Products bulam infants aged 6-12 can certainly be measured how many times eating infants aged 6-12 months.
2. Substantial
Substantial means the segment of large and profitable to be served, Example: Tea teapot that set up shop in the area of ​​Jakarta, which tends to heat.
3. Accessible
Accessible means that segment should be easily accessible to be served. Example: Restaurants that sell food Sundanese in Jakarta, while the target utamannya Sunday ang bernotaben many people live in Bandung.
4. differentiable
Differentiable means that these segments can be distinguished.
5. Actionable
Actionable means that these segments can be served with the resources in the possession of the company. Example: ice cream shops in the mall are aimed at consumers teenagers and young children, of course, with cangkupan 1 mall with teenagers and young children who like to eat ice cream can be estimated how much yangharus sold.

Benefits Segmentation

1. The Company has the motivation to maintain and improve the level of sales and more importantly that the company's operations in the long term to be sustainable and competitive.
2. The Company will be able to detect early and precise about the trends in the changing market.
3. Can design products that are truly in accordance with market demand.
4. Can determine and advertising campaigns are most effective.
5. Can direct the promotional funds available through the appropriate media for the segment is expected to generate greater profits.
6. Can be used to measure the promotional efforts according to the period or periods in which the market reaction is quite large.